
See the context of this sign.

Burgoyne Cafe

The Burgoyne Cafe was a part of the original Burgoyne Hotel, built
in 1915. Jim McKee was one of the early owners and the cafe was
later run by Tommy Whittle. The cafe was highly patronized by
railroad men and was also a favorite of local residents. One of the
famous "happenings" that occured in the cafe happed on
February 4, 1922.

Gustafas Thanos and his partner attempted a payroll robbery
at the coal mines in Oakley, Wyoming. The robbers escaped and
spent the night at the Burgoyne hotel in room #26. The next
morning as the robbers sat down for breakfast in the Burgoyne cafe,
poice chief John Hillier tried to arrest them. Thanos, in the ensuing
gun battle emptied his gun. Both the bandits were shot and killed
resisting arrest.

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