
See the context of this sign.

Noxious Weeds in Idaho

A weed is a plant that is growing where it is not wanted.
There are hundreds of weed species growing in Idaho.,
Some weeds, designated as noxious weeds by Idaho state
law, can directly or indrectly injure or cause damage to the
environment, our crops and livestock, or our health. The
ecological damage caused by noxious weed can be
devastating and sometimes permanent.

Noxious weeds are extremely difficult to remove once
they have spread. In Idaho, noxious weed control and
eradication annually costs millions of dollars.

Idaho state law has designated 57 plant species as
noxious weeds, based on four criteria:
¥ Not native to Idaho
¥ Potentially more harmful than beneficial
¥ Eradication is economicall nad physically feasible
¥ The potential adverse impact is greater than the cost
of control

Help Contol Noxious Weeds

The best way to control noxious weeds is to stop them
from spreading. Scientists have developed some ways to
prevent nature from distributing weed seeds, but you can help too

Use established roads and trails when you drive,
bicycle, walk and pack.

Check every that can carry seeds-your vehicle's
undercarriage, boat, hitch, shoes, pant cuffs, the fur and
hooves of our anima;-before and after movng through an area. Then, safely dispose of an clinging seeds.

Be an informed gardener. Don't plant invasive
non-native plant in yard.

Control woods on your propert and replant disturbed
soil with beneficial plants.

Don't pick and transport flowers you can't identify.

Learn to identify plants so you can recognize and
report invaders.

Obtain a list of noxious weeds, with photos
and information about controlling them, from
your local Coordinated Weed Management
Area (CWMA) or Weed Control Department.

How Do Noxious Weeds Spread?

Noxious weeds can spread in many ways
-by water, wind, people, animals, and
ground disturbance. On long linear
highway projects, the disturbed
shoulders or medians can be a
fast route for the spread of
noxious weeds.

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