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Find Your Own Meaning - You are a Part of Our History and Our Future.

"The serpent tightened its coils (unitl) the pressure became so great that the stones began to melt." -Shoshone Story, Ella Clark in Indian Legends 1832 "The volcanic plain...where nothing meets the eye but a desolate and awful waste." -Captian Bonneville, Explorer 1862 "The entire scene - molten rocks, sand, and parched sage - could only remind one of the black valley of death."

-Nellie Slater, Emigrant

1864 "Great must have been the relief of the volcano, powerful the ?, that poured forth such a mass of black vomit." -Julius Ceaser Merrill, Emigrant 1902 "...a sea of purple on which float the still shimmering mountains." -Israel Russell, Geologist 1921 "...more odd and fantastic shapes and formatins than one would believe existed in the whole world." -Robert Limbert, Explorer 1924 "...a wierd and scenic landscape peculiar to itself." -Enabling Proclamation 1928 "When driving into the spell-bound fragment of the universe, let the driver keep his eyes on the road. Too much scenery brought me woe." -?, Visitor 1996 "The caves are awesome like being in a fantasy world on another planet." -5th grader

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