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Native Foods

Shoshone Foods

The Shoshone were experts in securing a living from the land
around them. They made intense use of the animals and plants available
to them, and nothing was wasted.

Big Game

Traditional foods included buffalo, elk, deer, antelope and moose. There are
references in the historical records to Chief Pocatello leading his band into
Wyoming on buffalo hunts. The Shoshone used many different methods to
take game, including the bow and arrow, clubs, snares, and the construction
of sage brush corrals into which larger animals would be driven.

Small Game, Birds and Fish

Small game animals hunted by the Shoshone included rabbits, rock chuck
(marmots) and ground squirrils. In addition, the Shoshone hunted and
trapped ducks, geese, grouse and other fowl, and collected their eggs in
fields in marshes. Fish were caught using spears, fishing poles and baskets.


Using digging sticks, willow baskets and winnowing pans, the Shoshone
gathered bitterroot, wild onions, carrots, asparagus, garlic, cattail stems, potates,
camas roots, sego lily and pine nuts. Sunflower seeds, wild rice and mustard seeds
were ground to make mush and cakes. A wide array of berries were available
in season, including chokecherries, buffalo berries, current berries, service berries,
goose berries, strawberries, huckleberries and blueberries.

Grass seed was a particularly important staple, used in much the same way
as wheat is used today.

Other Items

The Shoshone gathered wild honey in the fall, and in season, gathered
peppermint, rose hips and other herbs to make teas and medecines.
Salt was collected from Great Salt Lake, and used as an important trade
item with other tribs.


Each year, the Shoshone had to prepare for a long, cold winter. A successful
hunting and gathering season could mean the difference between life and death
during the winter months. Meat was cut into strips and hung on racks to dry.
Both fish and berries were dried and stored for winter use as well.

Don't miss the rest of our virtual tour of Pocatello, Idaho in 818 images.